How Do You Fix Bruxism

Bruxism is the act of grinding your teeth involuntarily. It is an unconscious habit of gritting or grinding your teeth or jaw that usually occur during sleep or in stressful situations. Bruxism affects both children and adults and can lead to excessive wear off of the teeth. Do you grit, grind, clench, or gnash your…

Fluoride Treatment Aftercare

How to Get Fluoride Off  Your Teeth Poor dental care practices can lead to tooth decay and dental cavities which may subsequently lead to other severe dental problems. In order to avoid this, a professional fluoride treatment is required to develop, strengthen and revitalize the tooth enamel. Fluoride is a natural element that is usually…

How Does Cavity Fillings Work

How Do Teeth Fillings Work Do you know that half of the grown-ups and one-third of children don’t brush their teeth daily? What! This is not a staggering observation considering the number of cavities dentists are filling out each year from all type of patients. So how exactly do cavity filling work? In this rather…