Deep Cleaning

When it comes to enjoying a beautiful, the best thing you can do is to maintain optimal oral hygiene. Many people think that deep cleaning is a procedure which needs to be performed frequently. This is not true. At Edge Dental, our dentists will perform deep cleaning to treat advanced gum or periodontal problems.

When is a Deep Cleaning Procedure Necessary?

Anyone can experience plaque build-up or mild gum infections. However, it must be kept in mind that the deep cleaning procedure is not required by everyone. We recommend deep cleaning in the following cases:

  • Advanced Gum and Periodontal Problems – when people ignore regular oral hygiene maintenance through brushing and flossing, or miss their regular dental check up visits, a thick layer of plaque starts to deposit on their teeth. This plaque gradually hardens over time to convert into the calculus. Both plaque and calculus are composed of food debris and bacteria which are harmful for our teeth and gums. These bacteria feed on the plaque and release toxins which results in the destruction of the attachments that hold the gums together with the teeth and jaw bones. As a result, gaps, also called pockets, start to form between the gums and teeth, which further promotes plaque and calculus deposition, and aggravates the situation. If this situation arises, we will perform deep cleaning to treat the problem.
  • Missed Professional Cleanings – if you have missed a few professional cleaning appointments, then it is possible that you might have significant plaque buildup on your teeth which may lead to periodontal problems. In these cases, our dentists will perform deep cleaning to treat your problem.

When is a Deep Cleaning Procedure Necessary?

Anyone can experience plaque build-up or mild gum infections. However, it must be kept in mind that the deep cleaning procedure is not required by everyone. We recommend deep cleaning in the following cases:

  • Advanced Gum and Periodontal Problems – when people ignore regular oral hygiene maintenance through brushing and flossing, or miss their regular dental check up visits, a thick layer of plaque starts to deposit on their teeth. This plaque gradually hardens over time to convert into the calculus. Both plaque and calculus are composed of food debris and bacteria which are harmful for our teeth and gums. These bacteria feed on the plaque and release toxins which results in the destruction of the attachments that hold the gums together with the teeth and jaw bones. As a result, gaps, also called pockets, start to form between the gums and teeth, which further promotes plaque and calculus deposition, and aggravates the situation. If this situation arises, we will perform deep cleaning to treat the problem.
  • Missed Professional Cleanings – if you have missed a few professional cleaning appointments, then it is possible that you might have significant plaque buildup on your teeth which may lead to periodontal problems. In these cases, our dentists will perform deep cleaning to treat your problem.

Getting your teeth cleaned every six months or twice a year helps prevent gum disease and other serious dental problems.
Book your appointment online.

When to See the Dentist?

You should visit us for treatment, if you observe any of the following symptoms:

  • Swollen and Painful Gums – Excessive plaque and tartar deposits on your teeth tend to irritate your gums. As a result, they appear red and swollen, and become painful during eating and brushing.
  • Bleeding Gums – one of the most common symptoms that indicate towards an underlying gums disease is that your gums bleed easily whenever you brush your teeth.
  • Gum Recession – the toxins released from the bacteria inside plaque irritate your gums. This causes the gums to gradually recede from their normal position. Gum recession is a symptom of advanced periodontal infection.
  • Loose Teeth – in advanced stages of periodontal infection, teeth tend to become loose because of excessive bone loss.

When to See the Dentist?

You should visit us for treatment, if you observe any of the following symptoms:

  • Swollen and Painful Gums – Excessive plaque and tartar deposits on your teeth tend to irritate your gums. As a result, they appear red and swollen, and become painful during eating and brushing.
  • Bleeding Gums – one of the most common symptoms that indicate towards an underlying gums disease is that your gums bleed easily whenever you brush your teeth.
  • Gum Recession – the toxins released from the bacteria inside plaque irritate your gums. This causes the gums to gradually recede from their normal position. Gum recession is a symptom of advanced periodontal infection.
  • Loose Teeth – in advanced stages of periodontal infection, teeth tend to become loose because of excessive bone loss.

Book your dental cleaning today!
Call us to schedle your appointment.

Regular Cleanings Versus Deep Cleaning; What’s the Difference?


Regular professional cleanings are performed to maintain good health of your gums. Dentists recommend that you should get your teeth professionally cleaned at least twice a year, to minimize the chances of development of chronic periodontal problems. At Edge Dental, we recommend teeth cleaning as a preventive procedure for patients who have good oral health and healthy gums.

One the other hand, Deep cleaning is a procedure which is performed to treat an active gum or periodontal disease. If your gums bleed whenever you brush your teeth, then it is a sign that your gums are inflamed because of the plaque and tartar deposits. Generally, dental deep cleaning is required if you have a pocket depth of more than 3mm.

What Happens During a Deep Cleaning Procedure?

  • Clinical Examination – before starting the procedure, we will carefully examine your teeth and and gums to assess the severity your infection. We will also look at your x-ray images to assess the health of your jaw bone.
  • Administration of Anesthesia – to make you pain-free and comfortable during the procedure, we will administer local anesthesia.
  • Scaling – next, we will use a special instrument known as an ultrasonic scaler. The scaler vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. In deep cleaning, we will clean all the surfaces of your teeth, especially around the gum line. We will also remove plaque and tartar from any exposed root surfaces. Ultrasonic scaling can take between thirty minutes to an hour to complete.
  • Root Planning – After scaling, we will polish all the surfaces of your teeth. This is done to minimize the chances of future plaque deposition of rough spots on your teeth. Root planning also promotes quick healing.

What Happens if you Don’t get a Deep Cleaning?

Getting a deep cleaning is not necessary for everyone. However, if you have an underlying periodontal infection, then you must see your dentist for a deep cleaning procedure. If you still ignore deep cleaning despite your dentist’s recommendations, the problem will continue to aggravate. The gum pockets will continue to widen. At the same time, the jaw bone starts to resorb at an accelerated rate. This causes your teeth to gradually become mobile. If this situation is not corrected timely, this bone loss will become so extensive that the remaining bone will not be able to hold the teeth in position. The ultimate result is tooth loss.

Deep Teeth Cleaning; What to Expect After the Procedure?

After a deep cleaning procedure, you may feel that your teeth have become sensitive to hot or cold drinks. But there is no need to worry, as this problem will go away in a few days. If necessary, our dentists may prescribe antibiotics or antibacterial mouth rinses to reduce the bacterial infection. We will also schedule a follow-up appointment to make sure that optimal healing is taking place.

After a deep cleaning procedure, you may feel that your teeth have become sensitive to hot or cold drinks. But there is no need to worry, as this problem will go away in a few days. If necessary, our dentists may prescribe antibiotics or antibacterial mouth rinses to reduce the bacterial infection. We will also schedule a follow-up appointment to make sure that optimal healing is taking place.

After Care

To maintain an excellent oral health, we recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake
  • It’s best that you should take soft diet for 2-3 days after the procedure. Hard, brittle and spicy foods can irritate the gums which will prolong the healing time.
  • Gargle with a saline solution at least twice a day. This will help in healing.
  • Maintain your normal oral hygiene routine. You should continue brushing your teeth even if your gums bleed.

Gum problems not only indicate a serious problem with your oral health, but red and swollen gums also ruin your smile and facial esthetics. If you feel that you are having gum problems, then you should visit us at Edge Dental without delay.


After Care


To maintain an excellent oral health, we recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake
  • It’s best that you should take soft diet for 2-3 days after the procedure. Hard, brittle and spicy foods can irritate the gums which will prolong the healing time.
  • Gargle with a saline solution at least twice a day. This will help in healing.
  • Maintain your normal oral hygiene routine. You should continue brushing your teeth even if your gums bleed.

Gum problems not only indicate a serious problem with your oral health, but red and swollen gums also ruin your smile and facial esthetics. If you feel that you are having gum problems, then you should visit us at Edge Dental without delay.

Dental Deep Cleaning Houston

Are you searching for dental deep cleaning near me or deep cleaning teeth? Dentists recommend a dental cleaning every six months or two cleanings per year for optimal oral health. Book your dental cleaning today by calling us or booking your appointment online now.