Wisdom Teeth Removal Houston
Not all cases require the removal of the wisdom tooth, only when the third molars grow diagonally or become trapped, is this dental procedure usually performed. If you want to know when it is necessary to remove the wisdom tooth, I can tell you.
When is it necessary to remove the wisdom tooth?
At age 13, the dentition of permanent teeth is partially completed with 14 upper and 14 lower teeth. However, between the ages of 16 and 20, third molars or better known as wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt. As they are the last to appear, often the mouth does not have enough free space to accommodate them and causes them to leave irregularly causing crowding.
- Damage to other teeth, jaw or nerves.
- Redness and swelling of the gum.
- The difficulty in oral hygiene and bad breath.
- Cavities.
- Discomfort to open your mouth
Considering these problems and based on a correct evaluation, the specialist determines if it is necessary to perform the wisdom tooth extraction.
How are wisdom teeth extracted?
As I have already mentioned, before removing the wisdom tooth, the dentist makes a diagnosis including preoperative laboratory studies, in order to know the patient’s health status. In addition to the analyzes, it is important that the doctor:
- Know any health problems or medications the patient is consuming and the frequency.
- Resolve any doubt about the extraction.
- Mention what type of anesthesia you will use.
- Explain recovery time and after-care.
- It should be mentioned that most specialists apply a local anesthetic to numb only the area during the surgical procedure, which lasts approximately 45 minutes.
Care for after a wisdom tooth extraction
Recovery after wisdom tooth extraction requires various care that will help avoid discomfort and probable infections. Therefore, at the end of the surgery, the dentist asks to bite gauze for 30 or 45 minutes to stop the bleeding and promote healing. Subsequently, there may be some pain and inflammation that will disappear after a few days. The important thing is to carry out some of the recommendations that will help to have a speedy recovery after extraction, some of them are:
- Eat soft foods or a liquid diet until the area begins to heal.
- Eat cold food or at room temperature.
- Avoid soups, broths or hot foods that can break the blood clot and cause an infection.
- Drink some shakes or liquids directly from the glass, avoiding straws.
- Take the pain relievers prescribed by the dentist.
- Skip hard and spicy foods from the diet.
Houston Dental Implant Center
Dental implants are used to replace lost or severely damaged teeth. They offer comfort and stability, and it is the restoration that most resembles a natural tooth. Statistics show between 95-98% success with this therapy. Not taking it into account in the elaboration of a rehabilitation treatment plan would be to deprive the patient of an option of excellence.
What material are they made of?
The dental implants we use today are titanium. Countless studies show that titanium is the biomaterial par excellence, given its optimal biocompatibility (does not cause rejection) with the human organism. In addition, titanium integrates with bone tissue, producing what we might call a biological weld between living bone and titanium. We also know that it is the material that best responds with the passage of time. There have been studies for more than 15 years that show that prostheses on titanium implants remain stable over time. All this makes titanium our material of choice.
What is osseointegration?
It has been scientifically proven that, under controlled conditions, titanium can be integrated with living bone with a high degree of predictability, and without inflammation of the surrounding soft tissues. This intimate union of bone cells with the surface of titanium is called osseointegration (the bone accepts titanium as if it were part of its structure and a biological “weld” is formed).
FAQs About Wisdom Teeth Extraction Houston
Should I get my teeth extracted to correct my overjet problem?
You should have in mind that dental extraction is the last resort that dentists use. Their job is to try to preserve your natural teeth when possible. Your dentist will be the one to tell you if an extraction is needed to fix your overjet problem or if there is an alternative to it.
Is it worth it to remove wisdom teeth?
Sometimes, wisdom teeth can be extremely painful and there could be no other remedy but to extract it. Have in mind that usually, extraction is the last resort of a dentist to help you out.
Where can I find reliable dentists for my dental treatment?
At Edge Dental you will find some of the best dentists in the country. They have top-notch technology and can help you with any dental issues that you have.
What is the best alternative for teeth implants?
Dentures and Bridges are the only alternatives for teeth implants, BUT, even though they are an alternative, teeth implants have better results.
Why are dental implants best for tooth replacement?
- It is the safest option because the prosthesis is attached to the bone, and not to other teeth.
- Prevents bone loss by preserving bone function.
- The chewing sensation is similar to that of a natural tooth.
- It has a longer duration, with rates higher than 90% in periods of 20-30 years.
Dentist That Pull Wisdom Teeth Near Me
If you are in need of a dentist that pulls wisdom teeth and that is near you, then at Edge dental you will be able to find one. What are you waiting for? Book An Appointment!
Wisdom teeth extraction Houston involves removing the molars that are in the back of the mouth, called wisdom teeth, which are causing problems. They usually emerge from the gums between 17 and 24 years of age. Some people never develop wisdom teeth, but you can have up to four: one in each corner of your mouth. For most people, wisdom teeth don’t cause any problems so it’s not necessary to remove them. However, if there isn’t enough room for them to grow in the back of the mouth they become what is known as impacted or retained wisdom teeth and can cause pain, swelling, and infection. The procedure to remove your wisdom teeth will depend on how deeply impacted your molars are. Many wisdom teeth can simply be extracted like any other molar. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, your dentist or oral surgeon will enlarge the alveolus (the area where the tooth is located) using an instrument called an elevator or a pair of special forceps. However, if your tooth is harder to remove, your dentist or oral surgeon will make a cut in your gums and may remove some of your jaw bone to reach your tooth. It will remove your wisdom teeth and then, if necessary, close the wounds with stitches. Most wisdom tooth extractions usually take only a few minutes, but the most difficult cases can take about 20 minutes.