Clicks when opening the mouth, painful jaw on awakening, headaches, worn teeth… those are some of the signs that may reveal that you have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. More than 30% of the population suffers from it and the vast majority are unaware of it. For some people, this anatomical alteration of the normal position of the joint disc does not cause any discomfort, however, in other cases swallowing, eating and speaking can become a real torment because of the pain it causes. Do you want to know a little bit more about this syndrome? Do you keep wondering about a “TMJ treatment near me?”, then find the right answers here.
The TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) is the most complex and used joint in the body, responsible for opening and closing the mouth. Thanks to it, the jaw articulates with the temporal bone of the skull, in front of the ear and on each side of the head. This articulation is used for essential functions in the human being such as chewing, talking, swallowing, and yawning. The alteration of this joint can generate functional problems such as joint, muscle (not able to chew, contractures), occlusal (tightening or grinding teeth), and otic (tamponade, vertigo, and tinnitus). When the TMJ joint is displaced, all the muscles of the head and face are contracted to protect the joint, which causes intense pain. This contracture of the muscles produces a continuous irritation of one or several of the trigeminal branches (that produces the most intense pain according to the WHO pain scale).
What Causes TMJ Syndrome?
- Bad biological occlusions are caused by dental treatments.
- Bad placement of the teeth.
- Displacement of the articular disc due to trauma.
- Bruxism or clenching of teeth, emotional tension, and stress, prolonged muscular contractures due to bad postures, and dental treatments.
- Emotional stress and stress.
- Prolonged muscle contractions due to bad postures.
- Dental treatments: fillings, extractions, orthodontics, implants, placement of covers.
TMJ Syndrome Without Pain
Sometimes, TMJ syndrome comes without pain, but those cases are really rare, and even though you don’t have any pain, you will still have other symptoms such as noises when eating or talking and facial numbness.
FAQs About TMJ Treatment Near Me
What Are Some Criticism of Current TMJ Syndrome Treatments?
The main criticism comes from the adaptation period of the patient with the night splint. This splint is awkward and uncomfortable, so it takes a little bit of time to adapt to it, especially because is designed to be used during your sleeping time.
Has Anyone had a Bad Case of TMJ Pain? How Did You Manage it?
When in pain, the way to go is with analgesics, a special TMJ diet, and knowledge of the movements you should not do, but sometimes, the TMJ could be too severe, and the analgesics will be useless. In these cases, the best thing you could do is go to the doctor to get a professional treatment (probably surgery) to fix your issue.
How To Treat TMJ?
- Hygienic-dietetic measures: In some cases, the dysfunctions can be solved with a series of advice and care that the patient can perform, such as knowledge of joint movements that should be avoided.
- Occlusal splints: Most cases have an occlusal problem, so they would be corrected using splints that would fit the teeth of the patient. It fulfills the function of muscle relaxation and mandibular replacement. They are used at night.
- Surgical procedures: The blockage of the temporomandibular joint, in many cases, is solved with a relatively simple intervention called arthrocentesis. In some patients with complex problems, the surgical approach to the joint may be necessary by arthroscopy. This technique is indicated when the patient presents a limitation of the mouth opening and has a pain that does not yield with analgesics or with the discharge splint. Through a camera, which is introduced into the joint, the different parts that comprise it are observed and, if there is any alteration that may cause them discomfort, correct them properly.
What Are Signs and Symptoms of TMJ?
The symptoms that cause this dysfunction range from acute and chronic pain inside or in front of the two ears that radiate to the head, face, teeth, jaw, mouth, throat, neck, shoulders, and arms. The patient may also feel joint noises such as clicks and crunches as well as buzzing or whistling. Other problems are facial numbness, visual disturbances, hearing loss, and trigeminal neuralgia.
How to do Self Treatment For TMJ?
The most important thing is to first go to the TMJ doctors near me to ask for advice and get a check in case the only way to help your condition is with exclusive ontological and medical treatment. Some of the treatments available to do at home after the specifications of the dentist are:
- Especial jaw exercises for TMJ syndrome.
- Relaxation exercises to reduce the pain of the TMJ.
- Changes in food habits to eliminate nutritional deficiencies that aggravate the TMJ.
- Lifestyle changes to alleviate pain and cure the TMJ.
How to Treat Teeth Grinding?
The treatment is going to minimize the detrimental effects by achieving stable occlusion and the use of discharge splits. When it is not possible to improve the occlusion, it is not possible to use the splint. The splints are designed to be used during sleep.
TMJ Dentist Near Me
You will find the best TMJ dentists near me at Edge Dental to treat your TMJ syndrome. With state-of-the-art technology, you will be able to have the best treatments on the market to improve not only the aesthetic part of your mouth, but you will improve your health too. It’s easy, just Book An Appointment Now with TMJ specialists near me.
The temporomandibular joint or TMJ is the one that joins the jaw with the lateral of the head and is fundamental in speech, chewing, swallowing, etc. However, when the joint disc is not in its correct position, this joint does not function normally and its dysfunction affects the muscles linked to it, generating tension, inflammation, and even pain. It is very common that today people live in constant physical and emotional stress, generating pathologies that affect various aspects of their life, also including pathologies associated with the TMJ, either of organic or functional origin. Occasionally, contractures, pain, and inflammation occur in the muscles that make up the TMJ due to stress, infections, and sleep disorders such as bruxism, structural dysfunction, or trauma. You must keep in mind that the TMJ syndrome, although it is estimated that it affects approximately 30% of the population, is generally underdiagnosed since its symptoms are often attributed to other pathologies and it is necessary to perform a series of tests specific for its correct diagnosis: orthopantomography, occlusal analysis, magnetic resonance or neurophysiological tests. However, the treatment will depend on the cause, since in some cases it is enough to solve the problem of origin to resolve the dysfunction and its symptoms. It may also be necessary to use splints or physiotherapy. Are you asking yourself “where can I find TMJ treatment near me?” If so, at Edge Dental you will find some of the best dentists in the country to help you deal with this uncomfortable and painful condition.
Edge Dental is a trusted dental practice that offers quality care to patients with TMJ disorders. The experienced team at Edge Dental understands the complex nature of TMJ disorder and offers customized treatment plans to help patients manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Whether you’re looking for a TMJ specialist near me or just need some advice on how to manage your TMJ disorder, Edge Dental is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a TMJ doctor near me.